About Us



Be a major enabler in transforming digital lifestyle by providing highest quality digital electronic products, services and solutions.


Be the leading trustworthy distributor for IT and Mobile products in Myanmar by providing reliable after sales service to all dealers and consumers. Focus on enhancing the satisfaction of customers, improving the communities’ lifestyle and economic development of investors.


Core Value


We say what we do and we do what we say. We consistently produce results that meet or exceed the expectations of our customers and suppliers. We accept our individual and team responsibilities to meet our commitments.

Teamwork and Respect

We honor the rights and beliefs of our fellow associates, partners and community. We treat others with the highest degree of dignity, equality and trust, leveraging diversity to meet our common goals. As a team, we deliver more than as individuals.

Social Responsibility

We actively pursue opportunities to balance our financial, social and environmental responsibilities to achieve positive outcomes for our diverse global stakeholders.

Our Certificate